The Passerelle 



A new common Passerelle for 'PS' and 'SPS' has been developed. It is based on cmw/rda. It replaces the old 'PS' RPC passerelle which is no longer compatible with the new accelerator timing system.

This new Passerelle can access any accelerator/transfer line device and is compatible with the new timing system.

In order to avoid any change in the user application programs, this new Passerelle is 100% compatible with the previous one. (the new Rpcapi32.dll is 100% compatible with the previous one).

Note: the AB/CO/AP section is responsible of the new dll and of the 'SPS Excel macros' but is not responsible of the client applications (Excel macros, Visual Basic, Visual C++...).

Technical and user documentation


DLL Installation


DLL Code Modification



For comment and inquiries send e-mail to or


Last update:
Francois Chevrier 14/12/2005